A cute little Buddha.


As my moving date approaches (October 6th.. panic stations) I'm thinking about bits and bobs I want / need (is there a difference?) for my new flat and have got totally stuck on the idea of having a little friendly buddha sitting on my windowsill to bring some zen to my life.

Anyone who knows me will already know I'm beyond obsessed with Turkish Evil eyes, Hamsa hands and dream catchers.. all that sort of jazz.. and I just love the spiritual ideas behind them all.

The Evil Eye in the ancient Arabic sense comes from mythology about malevolent beings with a wide-eyed that stare that cast spells and curses on people. The blue-eyed symbol and the Hamsa hand (often decorated with eyes too) that have been adopted into Western modern society and seen on all tourist jewellery (we've all been there) are to protect the owner from the curses that the evil eye may cast by blocking the stare or returning the stare straight back.

Buddhists believe that looking into the relaxed, meditative face of a praying buddha will help them see a clear path for their lives - a sense of calm clarity - and bring Zen to house or place of worship. After living in my terrible damp flat and the developments in the last week - chunks of plaster falling off walls, toilet flush braking and dehumidifier turning itself on in middle of the night - I think a sense of Zen in my new flat would be just ideal.

I've got myself pretty well covered on the old Evil Eye front - I wear one around my wrist and my neck almost everyday but here's the type of dinky buddha I'd like if anyone fancies treating me.

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