Not good enough.
I'm fully aware it's just not good enough to have total blog silence for almost two whole months. Especially if I want to up my blog views and followers from the loyal, and mucho appreciated, ten people (all family members / best friends) who regularly read my drivel. So, apols about that and you'll be pleased to hear that my February resolution is to get back on it and stick at it again. I'd got quite good before Xmas and I like to think I've maybe got some more interesting posts up my sleeves. Which, by the way, are khaki green and gorgeous and part of the Topshop Bomber jacket that accidentally jumped into my hands last week despite being just a little expensive at £55. Oops.
So, a big update on my life is that before Christmas I had the only genuinely enjoyable first date I've ever been on. I've actually just reminded myself about the worst first date of my life - I mean, really awful - and made a mental note to post about that soon. It involved a horrible burger, breaking a chair and loads of chat about football. But yes, back to here and now.
After writing about / talking about how I will die old and alone for most of last year, I actually found someone who talks like a proper adult, has opinions and ambition and doesn't (or hasn't yet) used the words 'b', 'bbz' or 'bae' in any sort of serious way. Excellent. There were no awkward silences and loads of lols, cocktails and kissing and overall I'd say he's a definite 10. Plus, he bought me haribo the other day so ya know, a real dream boat. At the very least, even if it doesn't work out, he's reminded me that there are some really delightful fish in the sea.
Another important person in my life at the moment is Charlotte Crosby (Geordie Shore star and general lunatic). Specifically her Belly Blitz DVD, which me and Ria are aiming to do twice a week. It's a lot harder than I expected and I can tooootally see why it's the best selling fitness DVD of all time. In a moment of sporty enthusiasm we even got some neon, stripy, printed fitness gear so we could look the part while we sweat / hyperventilate / cry. I'm actually debating buying even more PE kit bits from Missguided's new Active Collection (below) which keeps trying to tempt me via newsletter. STOP IT.

Last bit of chat from me for today (I promise), but I can't not share this SUPER exciting bit of news: MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED. I'm fully as excited about this as if it was me getting hitched and a huge apology to anyone who was near me when Laura broke the news to me on NYE because I screamed and sobbed happy tears in a really, truly socially unacceptable manner. I literally SHOUTED the news in the face of the bouncer at the club who just sort of flinched and nodded blankly. Really though, why should he have any other reaction? He doesn't know me, or Laura, or Tommy and was probably pretty worried about my mental state. I cannot wait to be a bridesmaid again - the wedding is pencilled in for August 2016 - and all the prep (wedding fairs, dress shopping, panic dieting, hen parties, hair trials and pinterest-ing) excites me so damn much.