

I literally talk about eyebrows more than anyone else I've ever met. Also probably even more than most people I've never met. The reason for my obsessiveness is because I wasn't fortunate enough to be blessed with anything worth mentioning.

I spent my teenage years with people asking me if I'd over-plucked them or liked the "thin look". Hashtag annoying. My natural head hair is really dark, super thick.. and at the moment really long. My natural eyebrows are sparse, literally feeble and a weird mousey blonde. It's like I got someone else's eyebrows by mistake, it really is.

So all of this chat hopefully explains to you why this year I hit a wall with the situation. Not even a lie (I know I like to exaggerate), I was getting through two Rimmel eyebrow pencils a month and constantly living in fear that someone would head hug me and smudge my brows. Or that I'd get a bit too humid on the train and sweat them off. Things really had to change.

This is where the ridiculously AMAZING Steph comes into my life. She's a semi-permanent makeup artist, and all round babe based in South Kensington (check her out here) and to say she changed my life is actually an understatement.

I wanted to share my eyebrow tattoo experience because when I was trying to weigh up whether or not to go for it the only person who told me the absolute truth was Steph herself. No one seems to have written down properly about what it all entails and exactly how the healing process happens. So, below is my picture diary and I've talked through each stage with total honesty.

Steph will probably kill me because it might put people off. But to be honest if I'd read what I'm about to write I would still 1000000% go for it because there is nothing like waking up with brows for the first time in 25 years let me tell you...

1. This photo was taken about two minutes after my first treatment was complete as a "before and after" for Steph's portfolio. I mean, let's not talk about the weird little slug brow that I started with. I hadn't felt a thing due to the numbing cream and had almost fallen asleep on the comfy white spa-type bed (typical me). If you've had a normal tattoo and are wondering if the pain is the same, it is absolutely not. I couldn't get used to the sight of myself at first because they are really blocky and really dark at this stage.. with a view that they will fade a lot during the first healing cycle. The colour is mixed to be perfect for your skin tone and the brows are measured from your eye to make sure they'll suit your face. 

2. Just a closer-up view of my new brows. I sent this to literally everyone in my phone book with loads of dancing smileys (sorry not sorry) and even though most of my friends are sick of me and my life-long brow obsession they were all really impressed with the shape and hair-stroke finish.

3. The next day I woke up with a tight and slightly painful forehead. At the crucial healing stage you can't rub the brows on your pillow, wash your face or get water on them. You've also got to use healing gel and you'll quickly become OCD about applying this. Falling asleep on my back is so, so hard for me so I was probably totally shattered and a bit head-achey in this picture but, being a total poser, I clearly couldn't resist sending an "I Woke Up Like This" snapchat. Bless me, I was very excited.

4. This photo is from a really dark period in my life. The first time I had to deal with bits of my face falling off. As the skin heels and the colour sets in, scabs form. The biggest battle is resisting the urge to encourage healing a tad quicker with a little pick here and there but then you remember you've paid money for these beauties and need to stick it out. It's a roller coaster of emotions and even I had a little moment where I wondered what I'd actually done. Plus, I went to a black tie awards ceremony with my eyebrows at this stage. It was horrific and I was convinced everyone was staring but luckily it was dimly lit and everyone was too drunk to notice.

5. This is how my right brow ended up after treatment 1. As you can see, the colour has faded lots but the general shape and hair-stroke effect remains. 

6. This is how my left brow healed. The arch and tail on this side faded quite a bit but it's quite normal for a bit of irregularity after just one treatment.

7. Here we go again! Treatment 2 was complete and my brows were back to perfect, dark, shiny blockiness. It hurt a little more this time.. probably because the skin was screaming WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME. I was a bit panicked because a week after this treatment I was going on holiday to Madrid. Loads of sun exposure on a new tattoo isn't ideal so I purchased myself some huge sunglasses and wore them constantly. Any excuse for shopping, you know.

8. I took this photo two days ago. It perfectly shows the hair-stoke effect of the finish and the colour is much more "me" - natural but a little bit statement too. If both brows had healed as well as this one I wouldn't have needed the third top up but both me and Steph agreed that things needed evening out a little more. If you've got lighter hair I'm sure two treatments would do you nicely. 

9. THIS MORNING. Post-treatment #3 and totally make-up free.. What a treat for you all (sorry). Again, they are super dark and my forehead feels crispy like I've left a face mask on for too long. Weirdly, last night's treatment made my eyes water and I felt like I was going to sneeze constantly.. I think my skin is just a bit sensitive now. The great news is that once this healing process is complete my brows will be perfect and ALWAYS THERE for up to 18 months. That thought literally makes me want to kiss everyone but I know I've got a few peely and distressing days before then.

An update post with a final photo of my complete brows is coming your way (I know you can't wait for that). I hope at least someone finds this post and it's useful to them, except I'm such a newbie I'm not used to using key words and tags to make me come up on google. Bah.

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