So, I'm having a restless moment with my hair and feel like doing something jazzy. The thing is, the last time I had this urge I made the HUGE mistake of getting a blunt bob (Dawn O'Porter was my inspo because her hair is so babe-alicous) and I felt butch and ugly for all the years it took to grow back. This time, I'm toying with three ideas...
Fringe. Literally anyone who reads this blog and actually knows me will be rolling their eyes right now. I've switched between fringe / side fringe / no fringe my whole life on an almost constant revolving pattern, and every time I get a fringe cut I quite quickly remember that I am a hot/flustered human and that the slightest bit of moisture from my forehead / the atmosphere causes a horrific parting and a 'curtain' effect. Not cool.
Balayage. Having super dark brown hair can get boring. People with mid-coloured hair have all the fun - they're free to go lighter or darker or PINK (yolo) willy nilly as the mood takes them, and trends like dip-dye and ombre (circa 2013/2014) were just made for them. This year however, a new technique has really taken off: the balayage. This far more subtle (and less damaging) approach to a dip dye actually works quite well even if the roots are left really dark, and instead of blonde, brunettes like me are going for caramel/lighter brown ends. I'm going to go and have a consultation with a good hairdresser and see whether this is something that could work for me. Dun dun dunn.
Perm. My natural hair is actually pretty curly but after many years of fighting it into straight submission, the curls are a bit fragile and generally uneven; the ends barely curl while the roots and back corkscrew and tangle. I've been toying with the idea of a perm for ages and think that now my hair is long and (almost) all one length it could be the time to take the plunge, grow out my fringe, and go for a really curly perm. The thing is, it's either this OR the balayage colour/fringe. Or, to be honest, probably not one of these great ideas is going to fly because I've barely got money for cheese/bread/milk let alone a hair re-style.