It has to be said that I am a little too obsessed with interiors & home furnishings. To the point where I am constantly forming plans that are far bigger than 1. My Budget and 2. The amount of space I actually have in my diddy little studio flat. To try and scratch my itch without heading straight into my overdraft or becoming one of those weird crammed-in hoarders, I'm constantly adding new candles, cushions, and wall art to my online wish lists (currently on Next, NotOnTheHighStreet and M&S), but recently I've been lusting after a much bigger item; An armchair.
After quite a while explaining exactly what kind of shabby chic/vintage chair I want to a clearly interested Kieran on the phone last week, he gently reminded that I really don't have the room for such a piece of furniture. Then, even when I started trying to convince myself that I could move my drawers to the end of the bed and cram a chair in the corner by the door, I was bought crashing back down to earth by the realisation that by having anything at the end of my bed, my fridge wouldn't open. Yes, my flat is that small.
Anyway, this blog is mostly full of me harping on about items that I wish I could own and never will, so why break the habit. Here's the armchairs I'd be snuggled up in if I could.. (yes, they're all ridiculously pricey.)